6 Tips to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
The new year is a chance for a new you, and many people go into it determined to change their life. Unfortunately, while it's easy to make a new year's resolution, more than half of them fail. If you really want to achieve your resolution this year, there are a couple steps you should keep in mind before starting. We put together a list of helpful and easy tips to make sure you are successful!
Set a realistic goal.
The best way to set yourself up for success is to set a goal that is actually achievable. The most achievable goals revolve around creating a habit in your life. For example, if you want to eat healthier, don’t create a resolution that you will never eat fast food again. Instead, try limiting how many times a week or month you eat out.
Create a plan.
Having a realistic game plan is the best way to achieve your resolution. If you really want to create a lifestyle change, you should come up with daily or weekly ways you will work towards it. For instance, if your resolution is to read more, plan to set aside 30 minutes 3 times a week and figure out what sacrifices you need to make in order for that to actually happen. Decide how you’re going to rearrange your schedule to give yourself that extra time every week!
Track your progress.
Nowadays it is easy to track your goals and progress with the help of many apps. A popular resolution is getting more active and heading to the gym more, there are an array of fitness apps to help track your progress. Many smartphones have a notes section on your phone where you are able to write whatever comes to mind. This is a convenient place to keep all your progress throughout the year. If your goal is more extensive, make a spreadsheet that you can check in daily, weekly, and monthly.
Share it with others.
Take pride in your resolution and goals and discuss it with friends and family! They can help keep you accountable and support you throughout the year. This way you can also learn about others' resolutions and can even influence you to consider those goals and resolutions as well in the future.
If you mess up, don’t give up.
We’re all human and sometimes you just need a break and time to yourself. If you miss a day or break your new habit, don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself a day or two break if you need it, but then start again and keep going! As long as you are trying, that is all that matters!
Give yourself enough time.
Make sure you give yourself a realistic amount of time to achieve your goal. It can be exciting at first to want to get to the finish line right away, but allow yourself to be present while achieving your goal. On average, it takes 21 consistent days to create a habit. Lifestyle changes do not happen overnight!